
GTM #210 - Infinity: "Cry of the Highlanders!"
by Gutier Lusquinos

Caledonia is probably the strangest Ariadnan nation and the most dissimilar from the other people of the Human Sphere, and even from the other states of the Ariadnan continent. Built around the concept of the clan, the social structure of Caledonia determines the politics, attitudes, and behaviors of its inhabitants: hard people who seem to live in another time, a time where concepts like honor, courage, and revenge are worth killing and dying for.

Years of continuous hostilities between the different clans has forged the inhabitants of the Caledonian lands into born soldiers. The clanspeople know that they must always be ready to defend their clan, which is their family, and their land, their resources, and also their honor. All - absolutely all - of the Caledonians are authentic Highlanders. Even those with a more urban and civilized look hide a mountain warrior within. When the bagpipes resonate with war songs, no Caledonian can refuse the call. As their parents have taught them, and in spite of the bloody price they must pay, they’re Highlanders who must fight for their clan.

Corvus Belli recently released a new version of the Caledonian Starter Pack. A completely re-sculpted box that promises more new re-sculpts in the future (at least Volunteers, 3rd Grey Rifles, and Mormaers can be expected for certain), it places this army under the spotlight once again.

When deployed on the game table, the Caledonian Highlander Army plays in a way totally different from the other Sectorial Armies of its main faction, which is quite refreshing for the Ariadnan player. In this army, Close Combat has a relevant role, and the army was conceived to allow players to make good use of it. The fast movement of the Cameronians, the high number of cheap troopers available, and the amount of smoke screens a Caledonian force can deploy makes it easy to reach the close quarter’s battle in which their Claymores excel!

However, we cannot forget that this is an Infinity army, so shooting is still the real deal of modern combat. Caledonian players have several Fireteam types available they can field on the game table, allowing army lists of up to two or three different Fireteams. The quickest combat force composition starts with a Fireteam: Core of Volunteers, accompanied by a Fireteam: Haris of Wulvers, and then a Duo of Scots Guards, which means ten Orders at around 200 points and 4.5 SWC. This still leaves room to add some S.A.S. infiltrators, Cateran snipers, and some crazy 45th Highlander Rifles and/or Cameronians.

The arrival of Human Sphere N3 doesn’t remove anything that was good in Caledonia, but rather opened a door to different regimental Fireteam combinations, all working together to achieve victory. The bagpipes again are sounding on the Infinity battlefields!