More Heroscape Expansions Coming in February 2025! By Sophia Gambill, Marketing and Sales Coordinator at Renegade Game Studios The next Heroscape story arc, Rising Tide is coming in 2025! The arc will release in two waves, one in February wave and another in April. In February, three Army expansions and two Terrain expansions will hit game store shelves. The Army expansions add exciting new gameplay mechanics, special abilities, and more to the existing Heroscape line. The Terrain expansions not only give a fresh look to your battlefield but also add new in-game mechanics. Let’s dive into what’s coming right around the corner in February! The first expansion is the Heroscape: Rising Tide - Sonlen and Halushia, Scion of the Wild Army Expansion. This expansion contains two new heroes: Sonlen and Halushia, Scion of the Wild. Inside the expansion box are two highly detailed, fully assembled, unpainted miniatures and two army cards. Solen the Archmage rides his fearsome dragon into battle! His Healing Wing ability lets him roll to heal any figure he is next to or has flown over that turn. Solen uses Dragon Assault to attack an extra time or roll an extra combat die after flying. Halushia, Scion of the Wild can Command Familiar. After revealing his order marker, Halushia takes his turn with a small or medium beast figure. With his Ride-By Special Attack instead of moving and attacking normally, he performs this special action. His final ability, Rouse The Glade, allows him to harness the power of the forest to assist him in battle. This standing ability causes figures next to a tree or bush to roll one fewer combat die when defending against Halushia. Add the ancient powers of the wild to your games by pre-ordering this expansion now! The Heroscape: Rising Tide - Knight Primus Adelbern and Ordo Borealis Army Expansion introduces more Ursine troops! This expansion contains four highly detailed, fully assembled, unpainted miniatures and two army cards. One Knight Primus Adelbern figure and three Ordo Borealis figures are featured, each with a unique sculpt. Knight Primus Adelbern is the leader of the group and, armed with his mace, is a terrifying foe! His Crushing Blow special attack lets him deal damage to adjacent small and medium common heroes and squads. The Ordo Borealis squad joins the fight with their harpoon cannons which equip them with a lethal ranged attack. The Reload ability allows them to add 6 to their range value for the rest of their turn. These bears bring new strategic options and power to Heroscape games. They’re particularly lethal when combined with Knight Irene and the Frostclaw Paladins from the Age of Annihilation Master Set. Pre-order now to secure a copy for yourself! The third expansion, Heroscape: Rising Tide - Hellforge Mandukor Army Expansion, releases in February. This expansion contains one HUGE figure: Hellforge Mandukor! Inside this expansion, you’ll find one highly detailed, unpainted miniature and an army card. Hellforge boasts many heavy-hitting abilities, making him a force to be reckoned with. His first ability is Eisenek Advance. After you place order markers at the start of the round, if all markers are on Eisenek cards, Hellforge can move up to four spaces. With Blast Furnace before moving, he spews Hellfire at opponents on a successful roll. The Feed The Forge ability can heal him. If a figure or destructible object is destroyed next to him, then he may roll to heal his wounds. Hellforge Mandukor is sure to be a HUGE asset to your team so pre-order this expansion now! Two new terrain expansions will also be available in February: Swamps of Valhalla and Snow Fields of Valhalla. The Swamps of Valhalla expansion adds rules to gameplay when placed on the battlefield. Swamp water doesn’t end your movement, and the Underbrush shields and aids in your defense against ranged attacks! This set contains over 120 hexes and 2 Swamp Underbrush Pieces. The Snow Fields of Valhalla Terrain Expansion contains over 120 hexes and 2 snow-covered evergreen trees. The snow and ice terrain tiles provide some new twists to gameplay when added to the battlefield, such as Slippery Ice and Heavy Snow, which will add to replayability and new challenges. Both expansions are fully compatible with all Heroscape Master Sets and Expansions. Pre-order your copies now! The Heroscape: Rising Tide: Knight Primus Adelbern and Ordo Borealis, Heroscape: Rising Tide - Sonlen and Halushia, Scion of the Wild Army Expansion, Heroscape: Rising Tide - Hellforge Mandukor Army Expansion, Heroscape: Snow Fields of Valhalla, and Heroscape: Swamps of Valhalla are available to pre-order now for a February 2025 release. These titles are expansions; players need a Heroscape Battle Box or Master Set to enjoy these new additions to the Heroscape line. Expand your Heroscape armies and battlefields and continue the fight in the battle of all time! * * * Sophia Gambill is the Marketing & Sales Coordinator at Renegade Game Studios. A lover of all things tabletop games, her knowledge of the hobby aids her in spreading her passion for games to others.